Whether you are trying to conceive or not, having a pregnancy test tucked away in the back of the bathroom cabinet is not all that uncommon. Now that you are late and feeling achy and perhaps even a bit sick to your stomach, you are wondering if maybe you should dig it out. But do pregnancy texts expire? If it has been stored for some time, you may not be sure if the results are going to be accurate.
You may know you can get free pregnancy testing at Willow Women’s Center. It is always best to get an accurate consultation, but let us consider whether using that old pregnancy test can be helpful.
Home pregnancy tests work by measuring the amount of hCG, a hormone your body produces, in your urine. Your body will produce hCG once a fertilized egg implants. Though there are some variations, most pregnancy tests attach antibodies to colored labels that, when present, will bind with hCG when present. That is what changes the line to blue.
The problem is that these antibodies will not remain in the same overall condition over time. That is why your pregnancy test will have an expiration date on it. Most of the time, they last between one and three years from the date of manufacturing. You will find the expiration date on the exterior packaging, usually on the bottom of the box and on the foil wrapper that each pregnancy testing stick contains.
When a pregnancy test expires, those antibodies are not working properly. In some situations, you may end up with a false positive or, conversely, it may produce no evidence of hCG even though you are pregnant. It is hard enough to
understand pregnancy test results. Wondering if it is accurate only creates more worries for you.
While it will not harm you to use a pregnancy test that is expired, it may also not help. The fact is, if the test expires, you cannot count on it to provide you with an accurate result. That means that positive or negative, you will still need to seek our
pregnancy services or
different pregnancy tests that are still accurate.
There is no benefit to using an expired pregnancy test. There is also no benefit to not following the directions, including using the pregnancy test early or not storing it properly. Here are some tips to help you minimize those risks:
The best way to get accurate results is to reach out to Willow Women’s Center. Make an appointment with us today to get a free pregnancy test or to inquire about any of our services. We are here to help you.
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